

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 15 years, 2 months ago

Intel® Teach Thinking with Technology Course for Participant Teachers

    Dates: Nov 10, 12, 19, Dec 3, 10 (Modules 4 & 5),

Jan 4*(Module 7), 6th*(Module 9), 11*(Module 8),18*, 25*(Module 10), 27*(Module 11)

     Time: 4:30 - 8:30 pm

Location: LIRC Computer Lab, 2025 E. Winsett; * dates will be at the Pima County Regional Support

Center, 6420 E. Broadway, Suite A100 (behind La Quinta Inn at Broadway and Wilmot)


Essential Question:  How Can I best Design Instruction that promotes thinking?

Welcome to the Wiki for Our Intel® Teach Thinking with Technology Course and congratulations for being part.


If you have any trouble, please contact Emily Mann or Allen Swanson 

We will work with the tools from the Intel site and use this wiki to share ideas and share our finished products.


Day One:  Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Module Questions:

What does thinking look like?

What thinking skills should I target for my classroom?

Day One Wiki Activity

Activity 3 (p.1.22) Creating Your Own "Habits of Learning Taxonomy" warm up discussion 

Review your survey results from "Do your students behave intelligently?" and compare them with the habits you identified as important for students in your classroom.  Identify one or two habits that you are particularly interested in supporting in your classroom.  Form a small group to discuss that habit (or those habits) and its application in the classroom.

In your small group use the following questions to help guide your discussion and, optionally, record your ideas in this wiki.

  • When do you see that habit--or a glimmer of that habit--being employed right now by your students?  What triggers or helps to encourage that habit?
  • How can we structure our classrooms to help support that habit?  What scaffolds, environment, or strategies can we employ to encourage the ongoing development of that habit?
  • What changes could we make to our student projects or classwork to promote that habit?
  • What conversations could you have with your students to discuss the habits of mind?

To create a new wiki page, click "create new page" in the upper right of this page.  You can copy the test of this activity by highlighting and copying it before creating the new page.  When in the new page, paste the text.





Day Two:  Designing Standards-Based Projects

Module Questions:

How can standards-based projects provide opportunities for deeper thinking?

How can I design successful student-centered projects?

Day Two Wiki Activity (11/12)

Designing Standards-Based Projects

Graphic Representation of Intel Process


1.  Identifying Standards and Learning Objectives

Standards Search

AZ K-12 Standards

Professional Development Standards


National Educational Technology Standards for Students

Connecting Curriculum and Technology http://cnets.iste.org/students/index.html*

The National Educational Technology Standards for Students is designed to provide frameworks and standards for establishing enriched learning environments supported by technology.

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers

Partnership for 21st Century Learning Essential Skills


2. Exploring Project Design

Understanding the characteristics of Well-Designed Projects


Viewing Projects Online  [please add the unit or project titles here that were your favorite - Designer Genes: One Size Fits All?, Biomes: Action for a Healthy Planet:]

Once you are logged in to the site, go to Project Examples then Unit Plans

Unit Plan Index


Expanding a Unit to use a Project-Base Approach

Ideas for altering the Earth and Moon Unit for a PBL activity

Consider the real-world role of the student and the project scenario

  • You are a Caveman drawing on the wall of Milagrosa Canyon leaving the message and history of Moon exploration for future generations including most important and impacting events represented symbolically.

  • You are a contractor awarded and 2,000 acre tract of land on the moon.  You need to design your community according to the conditions on the moon.  You need to "sell" your community to business investors and potential home buyers and bring experts in to testify as to the viability and reasons this project is a good idea.

  • You are the moon and are attending a Milky Way reunion.  Everyone will be talking about what has happened since the big bang and you need to come up with interesting and amusing anecdotes that impress your fellow celestial.  When it is time for the "talent" show, you will need something to show  - maybe a poem about what it has felt like to be you since creation and since the beginning of man's exploration of you; maybe a story of your life in pictures accompanies by moving music...

Are any of these any good?  How could they be repaired?  Please add your ideas when you can.

Identifying Project Priorities


  • You are a living character ie. astronaut, astronomer, scientist. Share with others your knowledge of the moon as well as the organisms you may see living on the moon based on your knowledge of the moon.
  • You are in charge of creating a new city on the moon. Make comparisons to the earth and what you take for granted that you may not have on the moon. Describe what you would need in order to start the community on the moon.


3. Considering a Project Idea

Project Rubric Project_Rubric.doc

Project Characteristics Checklist for Brainstorming Priorities Project_Characteristics.doc

Sharing Project Ideas

[copy the text below and create a new wiki page to answer the questions and brainstorm]

What real-world connections are you considering?

What would be the role of the students?

What project scenario are you considering?

[Sum up these ideas and note some concerns, questions and any desired feedback to share with your group]

4. Sharing your Project Ideas [paste a link to your brainstorm page here]


5. Back to Thinking [Seeing Reason Activity]  Supporting Deeper Thinking


Extension Activity: Harnessing the Power of PBL



PBL Web Resources

See "Thinking about Projects" below



Thinking about Projects


Project Ideas

Projects are in-depth investigations of real world topics and issues that are worthy for students to know and understand. They can incorporate creative role play, construction, technology, community, and various curriculum topics in order for students to learn the content and show what they know. Some types of projects can be:

  Service learning: These projects often involve the local community and allow

students to apply lessons learned in the classroom to real world situations. Constructing a plan to clean up the local waterways or designing a playground for the local park are some examples of service learning projects.

  Simulation/role play: These projects are designed to provide students with an authentic, first hand experience. Students role play another's persona or immerse into simulated environments that recreate a certain time or place. Simulation and role play are excellent ways to reflect on history, gain multiple perspectives, or create empathy.

  Construction and design: These projects are based on real-life needs or can be created by a make-believe scenario. They require students to construct actual models or design plans to create solutions to authentic problems.

  Problem solving: These are any projects that require students to devise solutions to real-world problems. They may include a make believe scenario or an actual dilemma. The problems may involve a classroom or school issue, such as playground design; a community issue, like wetlands conservation; or an issue of greater scale, such as global warming.


Copyright © 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.




  Telecollaborative: These projects are online educational tasks. They provide real world learning experiences while collaborating online with other classes, experts, or communities.


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